SPONSOR / EXHIBITOR DATA REGISTER - FW AFRICA EVENTS This form is for use by signed up Sponsors and Exhibitors at events organised by FW Africa. Please fill in the required details, while ensuring accuracy and clarity. The information you provide will be used to update your company details on the event website, brochures, social media and other communication channelsPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 2CONTACT PERSON INFORMATIONFull Name *Email Address *EmailConfirm EmailJob Title *Mobile Number *Include your country code prefix e.g. +260. For ease of communications, please share a number on WhatsApp YOUR ORGANISATION INFORMATIONOfficial Organisation Name *For financial and contract obligationsBooth Branding Name *The company name as it shall appear on the booth Company Email Address *EmailConfirm EmailCompany Telephone Number *Include your country code prefix e.g. +260 Country of Operation *Eg. Ghana, South Africa, Belgium, Turkey etcTown/City *Eg. Nairobi, Care Town, London, New Delhi etc.Company Website or Social Media PageWrite a brief description of your company (200 words maximum) *Choose the product category(ies) that apply to your business *Ingredients & CommoditiesMobility, Cold Chain & Supply Chain SolutionsStorage, Milling, Baking & Animal Feed TechnologiesLaboratory Equipment, Food Safety and related solutionsFood & Beverage Processing, Engineering & AutomationPackaging Technology and MaterialsHospitality Technologies, Supplies & ServicesFresh & Packaged Food & Beverage ProductsFood Service & Hospitality Equipment & SuppliesHospitality, Food Service & Travel CompanySoftware, ICT and related technologiesManufacturer or Distributor of Beauty, Home & Personal Care ProductsFinancial, Training, Consultancy & Other servicesPlease upload the links to your Videos or online brochures below The video links could be from YouTube or similar platforms. Online brochures are mostly hosted from your company website or online platforms. Videos should be less than 3 minutes in lengthUpload company logo, brochures (2 max) and product and/or facility images below (4 max) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files. Product or facility images are used on your company profile on the website and also on social media posts. Horizontal images (1600x900 pixels sizes) are preferred. Maximum file size: 200 MB. Logo should be in .PDF or .PNG format, high resolutionPlease choose the type of booth you will require at the eventStandard booth optionSpecially constructed modular boothIf not sure, please contact the organisers for details. For Specially constructed modular booth options, the organisers will share with you the available designs and costs Would you like to order for any extra supplies for your booth, or for other services to enable your participation? If yes, choose from the list below:Television (43 inches)Television (55 inches)Coffee maker (with water 5L water, sugar (500 grams), disposable cups, coffee (medium roast, 100 grams)Water dispenser (with 10 L of water and tumblers)Glass display unitsFridge (various sizes)Brochure/Magazine rack/holderVase & Cosmetic FlowersVase & Fresh FlowersGlass top round/rectangle tableCocktail table & Bar StoolsSofa sets / Premium SeatsExtra carpeting (NOTE: Venue comes with its own carpeting)Extension cableBacklit displays (various sizes)Booth branding (printing and installation of stickers on the walls)Wooden counter top (branded)Note books & Promotional ItemsRoll-up Banners & PostersBrochures & Business CardsWooden Display StandsExtra lighting & Lighting EquipmentName Tags & Customised LanyardsGiveaways & Local GiftsFloating shelvesBooth support staff and executivesClearing and forwarding services for your samples or equipmentEach 3mx3m standard booth is supplied with the following: your company name on the fascia, one table, two seats, power source (without an extension cable), dustbin, one light bulb. The organisers will share with you the Extras Brochure with images and cost of each of the options.NextUpdating preview…This is a preview of your submission. It has not been submitted yet! Please take a moment to verify your information. You can also go back to make changes.PreviousSEND NOW